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Black Youth Vote! (BYV!) is the youth and young adults civic leadership development and organizing arm of The National Coalition. The BYV! Vote4Justice Organizing Initiative’s goal is to continue its legacy of engaging Black youth in civic engagement, issue organizing, voter empowerment and voter protection. BYV!’s priority is to CONNECT protest to public policy through the power of the vote.

Black Youth Vote! 2024 Black Collegiate & Community Challenge goals are to: 

➤ MOTIVATE Black collegiate and community youth to vote in the 2024 Presidential Election-Nov. 5th.
➤ PROTECT THE VOTE - register to be a poll monitor or poll worker on your campus & in your community.
➤ INSPIRE Black Youth to own their political POWER!




For more information about Black Youth Vote please contact us via email:

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
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